
SOLARIS Update Meeting gathered a record number of participants

Publish Time: Jun 30, 2023
The SOLARIS Centre organized an annual conference enabling an exchange of knowledge and experience in scientific research using synchrotron radiation and cryo-microscopy. This year's SOLARIS Update Meeting gathered a record number of participants.
On 21 and 22 June 2023. The SOLARIS Centre organized the next in a series of user meetings for synchrotron and cryomicroscopic research techniques. A record number of 240 participants, coming from 90 different research entities, from 34 countries, registered for the conference at SOLARIS.
The conference was an excellent forum for the popularisation of Polish science and the promotion of knowledge about synchrotron radiation, as well as the research opportunities associated with its use. The conference topics covered practically all fields of science, from physics to biology, chemistry, geology and environmental engineering.
The programme included a number of overview lectures summarising the current state of scientific and technological developments and presenting development trends in synchrotron SOLARIS research. The didactic aspect of the conference was particularly important for young scientists, master's students or doctoral students who are the direct scientific and research background of future SOLARIS users. Equally important was the opportunity to exchange experiences between more advanced users of synchrotron radiation and to share these experiences with a group of young scientists.
A special guest at the conference was the well-known science populariser, Tomasz Ro?ek, who presented a lecture on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in science.
A popular science talk discussing the processes by which rocks may have led to the origin of life on Earth and how the properties of these rocks can be measured using synchrotron radiation was presented by Tomasz Sobol, supervisor of the PHELIX research line at the SOLARIS synchrotron.
From: https://synchrotron.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/aktualnosci/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_ZEhuXSihDJbq/1457771/153795073
