
IOP Held First International Conference and Summer School on Synergetic Extreme Condition Physics

Publish Time: Jul 21, 2022
The National Major Science and Technology Infrastructure-Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility, jointly constructed by the Institute of Physics (IOP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Jilin University, is scheduled to be completed within the year. In response to the full completion of the User Facility and to promote open access to domestic and international academic and industrial users, the IOP Huairou Research Department, together with the Center for Synergetic Extreme Condition High-Pressure Sciences, and the State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, co-organized the First International Conference on Synergetic Extreme Condition Physics and its accompanying summer school (SECUF-2022) through the online conference in English from July 15 to 19, 2022. The Conference was chaired by Prof. Fang Zhong, IOP Director, and Prof. Lyu Li, Director of IOP Huairou Research Department. The Academic Committee was jointly chaired by IOP professors Cheng Jinguang, Luo Jianlin, Li Junjie, Wei Zhiyi, and Yang Huaixin, and Zhou Qiang, Professor of College of Physics, Jilin University.
The Conference included 3 days of summer school and 1.5 days of academic exchange, with 62 presenters and 17 experimental station representatives from 5 countries making academic presentations. The summer school had 13 keynote presentations and 17 introductory presentations from experimental stations, and the academic exchange had 4 conference presentations and 47 session presentations. On the first day of the Conference, Prof. Cheng Jinguang, IOP Deputy Director, gave a welcome speech on behalf of IOP, and Lyu Li introduced the general construction of the User Facility. In the subsequent schedule, the researchers involved in the construction gave detailed introduction in English on each experimental station of the Facility. Professors Tian Mingliang and Zhu Zengwei were invited to the summer school to introduce the installations and scientific research at Hefei High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center respectively. Some renowned professors were also invited to give keynote presentations and lectures on scientific and technical issues under extreme conditions. During the academic exchange session, Prof. Mikhail I. Eremets from the Chemical Institutes of the Max-Planck Society, Germany, Prof. Chen Xianhui from the University of Science and Technology of China, Prof. Wang Yayu from Tsinghua University, and Prof. LengYuxin from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, gave wonderful conference presentations. The Conference featured four breakout sessions, including physical properties of strongly correlated materials and other novel materials under extreme conditions, quantum transport in low-dimensional materials and quantum devices at ultra-low temperatures, ultrafast science and technology, and high voltage technology and its applications.
The Conference attracted many researchers from home and abroad, with up to 1,010 online real-time views on the live channel of the IOP Academic Services Department, a total of about 14,337 hits, and 13,037 hits on the KouShare academic platform, as well as about 90 online views in the Zoom meeting room of the breakout session at Jilin University, with up to 1,480 hits on the KouShare academic platform. The Conference helped achieve the purpose of promoting the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility to domestic and foreign users, and enhancing academic exchanges and cooperation in physics research utilizing synergetic extreme conditions.
The Conference is the result of the strong collaboration among the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility of IOP Huairou Research Department, the IOP Academic Services Department, and the Center for Synergetic Extreme Condition High-Pressure Sciences, and the State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University.
