
Secretariat of the allince visited Poland and Italy

Publish Time: Nov 18, 2019
In preparation for the Third Conference of International Science Centers and the establishment of the Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers, from July 16 to 18, 2019, Dr. Ding Hong, Dr. Jiang Xiaoming and Mr. Xiao Shuai visited the Elettra Synchrotron Trieste in Italy and the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Poland. During the visit, they shared updates and agreements made at the first and second conferences and invited the representatives of the above research institutions to attend the third conference in October. They then presented the Charter of the Alliance for review and invited the institutes to join the Alliance as founding members. Dr. Ding Hong also gave a presentation on the Blueprint and Construction Progress of the Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center.
During the visit, the representatives stated their intention to attend the third conference, to be hosted in Beijing, and their commitment to actively work towards the establishment of Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers.
