Alliance News

2021 ZGC Forum The 4th Conference on International Cooperation of Science Centers and Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers (GCASC) Annual Meeting 2021 Successfully Held in Huairou, Beijing

Publish Time: Sep 25, 2021

On September 25, Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers (GCASC) Annual Meeting 2021 was successfully held in Huairou, Beijng. 12 representatives of member units participated in the meeting offline and online. During the meeting, GCASC Charter was amended, work mechanism of the Alliance further improved, GCASC cooperation plan discussed, and conference declaration approved. Besides, it was also agreed to set up a permanent secretary office in Huairou Science City, Beijing, approve Dr. Ding Hong as the Secretary General with the term of the appointment being five years, and Dr. Bao Xinhe as third Chairman of the Alliance.

On September 26, 2021 ZGC Forum The 4th Conference on International Cooperation of Science Centers was held online and offline. Themed as “New Model of International Science and Technology Cooperation under the New Circumstances”, participants of the conference thoroughly discussed construction progress, international cooperation and latest research progress of national science centers. Mr. Sui Zhenjiang, Vice Mayor of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, and Dr. Zhou Qi, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave speeches respectively. Chen Xilin, Director of Bureau of International Cooperation Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the conference. Mr. Dai Binbin, then Secretary of the District Party Committee and Secretary of the Party and Working Committee of the Huairou Science City, Dr. Li Ruxin, President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS, Dr. Feng Donglai, Director of National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, USTC, Dr. Paul Harten, Head of Technology Transfer and Innovation, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, respectively made keynote speeches. Dr. Wang Enge, Chairman of the Alliance, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, chaired the opening ceremony and keynote speech. Two parallel academic conferences were set, and 9 theme reports were made by experts from the Alliance members and other scientific institutes, online and offline. A total of about 100 people attended the conference offline, including experts from domestic members of the Alliance, Beijing Huairou National Comprehensive Science Center expert committee, and other domestic Construction Science Center under planning, experts in related fields, and comrades in charge of relevant departments of Beijing and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Representatives of foreign members of the Alliance participated online in Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands Sweden and other countries
