
Beijing Huairou National Comprehensive Science Center(Beijing, China)

Publish Time: Jan 10, 2020
On May 25, 2017, the Plan for the Construction of Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center (the Plan)—jointly submitted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the city of Beijing—was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
According to the Plan, the construction of Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center will rely on Huairou Science City as the core area, and involve the building of major world-leading scientific and technological infrastructures. The center will integrate with research institutions in Beijing, and attract researchers and experts to Huairou to conduct advanced scientific research. It will spur technological innovation and interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of science, enabling China to participate in global scientific and technological competition and cooperation on a greater level.
According to the development plan of Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center, the basic framework will be completed by 2020. The new center will strive to become China’s leading innovation center and a world-renowned comprehensive science center by 2030.
Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center will focus on cutting-edge research in material, space, atmospheric environment, earth, information and artificial intelligence, life science and other fields. With the support of major scientific and technological infrastructure networks, it will facilitate interdisciplinary research and bring major breakthroughs and innovations to those important fields.
Through the joint efforts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and city of Beijing, major progress has been achieved in making Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center a "High Ground Facility". At the end of 2019, construction for five major scientific and technological infrastructure facilities and nearly 20 interdisciplinary research platforms has begun, while other related construction work is also progressing accordingly. With this progress, a solid foundation has thus been laid for the realization of the Plan for the Construction of Beijing Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center.
