TEST-The Third Conference of International Science Centers Officially Announced the Establishment of GCASC

Publish Time: Nov 18, 2019
On October 18, 2019, the Third Conference of International Science Centers—jointly sponsored by the city of Beijing and the Chinese Academy of Sciences—was held in Beijing, which officially announced the establishment of the Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers (GCASC).
The theme of the conference was “How Science Centers Promote the Building of Science Communities.” Dr. Wolfgang Marquardt, director of Forschungszentrum Jülich Gmb, served as chairman of the conference. 17 representatives from science centers in the eight countries of China, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Netherlands and Sweden, together with more than 200 scientists, researchers and management staff from the United States, France and China gathered at the beautiful Yanqi Lake in the golden season of October for the conference. They shared their experience in science center construction, technology transfer and commercialization of research developments, and management and operation of science centers.?
During the meeting, the representatives of the participating science centers discussed and adopted the Charter of the international cooperation alliance of national science centers, signed the Charter of the alliance, and elected Dr.Wang Enge, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chairman of Board of Trustees of Beijing Huairou National Comprehensive Science Center, as the chairman of the first alliance, elected? Dr. Jan Lüning, Scientific Director of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin’s Matter Division (HZB), as the Second Chairman of the Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers (GCASC).
After the opening ceremony, Dr.? Wang Enge presided over the conference. The three keynote speeches were “Reflections on the Construction Practices of Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center” given by Dr. Liu Yinchun, deputy secretary general of Beijing; “Actively Engaged in the Construction of National S&T Innovation Center” given by Dr. Xiangli Bin, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; and “Shaping Change: Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Helmholtz” given by Dr. Wolfgang Marquardt.
In the afternoon, 18 scientists and researchers from China and other countries delivered presentations in three parallel sessions: “Science Centers’ Research and Technology Transfer: Management and Mechanisms,” “Operation and Management of Science Centers: Experiences and Prospects,” and “Long-Term Development of Infrastructure of Science Centers: Planning and Challenges.” Participants also held extensive discussions and shared their experiences in the planning, construction, management and operation of national science centers.
