Call for Proposals for HEPS Phase II Beamlines

Publish Time: Oct 27, 2022
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a greenfield high-energy, ultralow-emittance synchrotron facility, is under construction in Beijing by the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. HEPS can accommodate ~90 beamlines. To make full use of HEPS as soon as possible and to meet demand from diverse users, we are now soliciting proposals for Phase II candidate beamlines for HEPS.
Types of Proposals Solicited: Besides selection of preliminary candidate beamlines, you can submit the proposal of new candidate beamline, or you can submit proposals for methodology, including new X-ray methods, in-situ sample environments and on-line data analysis software. We are also soliciting science and technology research problems to be tackled by HEPS
 Option 1: Select preliminary   Select candidate beamlines of interest
 Option 2: Proposals for new candidate beamlines  Proposals for new beamline(s) not covered in Phase I and Option 1
 Option 3: New methodology proposals  Proposals related to methodology, including new experimental methods, in-situ experimental environment and online data analysis
 Option 4: Call for science and technology problems  Proposals for science and technology problems expected to be solved by HEPS
Registration: To submit a proposal online, you must first obtain a user account by self-registration. Click here to register.
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2022
Notice: You will receive a confirmation email after you submit your proposal, suggestion or opinions. All submissions will be archived. You will be invited to join a series of workshops on Phase II beamline and methodology design. If your proposal is fully or partially accepted, you will be invited to compete for the role of beamline leader, join the advisory committee, or your group will be awarded beamtime.
HEPS Background
As the first new generation synchrotron light source in Asia and the first high-energy source in China, HEPS features storage ring energy of 6 GeV, natural horizontal emittance of less than 60 pm·rad with a 7BA lattice, and a storage ring with a circumference of 1360.4 m. Forty-eight 6-meter-long straight sections, with alternating high and low beta sections, are designed for generating brilliant X-rays with a brightness greater than 1×10^22 photons/s/mm^2/mrad^2/0.1% BW.
HEPS is located at a new scientific campus in Beijing's Huairou District, northeast of the city, where HEPS is a flagship facility. Construction started in June 2019. Now the HEPS building complex, is standing out with utilities installation scheduled to be completed in June 2022. In Phase I, 14 user beamlines are under construction. Feature beamlines in Phase I will take advantage of ultralow emittance to focus X-rays into probe spots smaller than 10 nm with more than two orders of magnitude higher flux, and generate unprecedented coherent flux for coherence X-ray experiments. Commissioning of the beamlines will start as early as 2024. They will be open to test users in 2025. HEPS is a large-scale national science facility for public research, open to all users around the world. It is free for non-profit applications.
Click here for more information.
