JIANG Xiaoming

Director of Science and Technology Innovation and Development Center,CAS
Birth Date: April 1963    
1978-1982 Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, obtained Bachelor Degree. 
1982-1985 Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, obtained Master Degree. 
1985-1988 Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, obtained Ph.D.   
1988-1990 Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
1990 Associate Professor, IHEP, CAS 
1993-1998 Associate Director of BSRF, IHEP, CAS 
1995 Professor, IHEP 
2003-2005 Assistant Director of IHEP & Division Director for Scientific Planning, IHEP 
2005 Deputy Director of IHEP 
2013 Director, Beijing Advanced Sciences and Innovation Center, CAS    
Working Experience abroad: 
1991-1992 Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Munich, Germany 
1998-1999 Foreign Research Fellow, KEK, Japan 
2001-2002 Scientific Collaborator, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France