T. D. Lee Professor of Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (TDLI) , Shanghai Jiaotong University
 Dr. Ding Hong has been engaged in experimental research on condensed matter physics for a long time, mainly using photoelectron spectroscopy to study the electronic structure and physical mechanism of high-temperature superconductors and novel quantum materials, and has made a number of pioneering scientific achievements with great international influence: Pseudogap was found in cuprate superconductors in 1996; S-wave superconducting order parameter was found in iron-based superconductors in 2008; Weyl fermions were found in solid-state materials in 2015; And Majorana zero-energy modes were found in iron-based superconductors in 2018. Academic achievements of Ding were selected into China's Top Ten Scientific Advances / China's Top Ten Scientific and Technological Advances news in 2015, 2017 and 2018. More than 270 of Ding’s academic papers have been published in academic journals and cited by SCI for more than 17000 times. Ding has received Sloan Research Fellowship Award in 1999, the class B of China National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2005, the Contribution Award of "Innovative Talents" for Overseas Chinese in 2010, and was selected as a member of the American Physical Society in 2011. He won the European Advanced Material Award in 2018, was selected as a Scientific, Technical and Management Talent with Outstanding Contributions in Beijing in 2018, and was selected as Scientific and Technological Innovation Figure of the Year 2018 of CCTV. In 2020, he won the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (Individual Award) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.